Sunday, March 20, 2011

RapCity or CrapCity? ...time will tell.

MuchMusic just released the commercial for RapCity, and of course it features it's new
host T-Rexx of the ever so popular Toronto blog 1<3T.O. NOW I must say I am
impressed, I enjoyed watching it, I watched it about 3 times and they did a really great
job. The tattoo part was my favorite, at the end where it shows his 1<3T.O. glow in the
dark tattoo, that was sick, the rest was also well put, I’m really impressed. NOW if
only they could bring THAT MUCH excitement into the show...The commercial does the
show no justice whatsoever! Any basic Torontonian watching that commercial is gunna
think that the show is gunna be FIRE, in comes Thursday and they watch and
FLOP...the show is not what you would expect. I wouldn’t say RapCity is GARBAGE in
general, I’d be lying if I said that...but I really really think they need to do something to
not make it such a boring show to watch. In my opinion, T-Rexx needs more lessons on
how to be a proper host...he needs to learn that he’s gotta have a
CONVERSATION(key word) with his guests, every time he has a guest on the show it
just looks like he’s the host, and their the guest at the show and that's NOT what you
want. I’ve been in school for journalism for three years now, and I’ve mastered how to
interview someone and make it look like a conversation. People gravitate more to a host
and guest acting like their long time friends just having a conversation. T-Rexx hasn’t
mastered that yet, and this is why everytimeeee Thursday rolls around and people are
watching the show, the first thing they say is “this interview looks extremely awkward”.
The amount of times I’ve seen this is ridiculous, and it's sad because I
really think T-Rexx COULD potentially be a great host for the show, but he needs a little
more practice in doing that. SECOND the show being aired on THURSDAY at 10PM
which everybody and they mommas knows that's T-SHIRT TIME(Jersey Shore) was a
HUGE mistake! They should have AT LEAST put it at 11 or something! Or on another
night, because now their in competition with the number one reality show on tv so
putting it on that night at that time was a big no no on MuchMusic’s part. But hey! Once
the season is over MAYBE just MAYBE it’ll get more viewers!!! and LASTLY the set on
RapCity is GARBAGE yes I said it. GARBAGE!!! It's too squished, too small, and too
many randoms on the couch, every so often you see all these god damn random people
on the couch and you're thinking to yourself “HEY! is that another guest on the show?” it’s
really aggravating to see so many randoms on the couches. They also need BIGGER
COUCHES! or have everybody stand. I was watching one episode and T-Rexx was
interviewing “The Lytics” and I swear there’s like 4 of them in the group, all FOUR of
them were squished onto this tiny couch and it just looked so awkward! Like you could
tell they were NOT comfortable at all! Then after a music break one guy got up
and sat on the arm of the couch! I DIED with laughter, they really need to do something
about that set and the couch situation because it's just too damn small!

But that’s my LOOONG opinion on RapCity!!!!! Please don’t hate, it IS just my opinion!

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