Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Jay Z Speaks on Kanye West!

Speaking at the New York Public Library to promote his book, Decoded, Jay-Z offered his two cents on the Kanye West/George W. Bush controversy. He stands by West and his original statement against Bush's treatment of the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

"I think what Kanye went through was, he himself became that, over the Taylor Swift incident," Jay said. "People said he was racist. And he’s not a racist person, so it made him reflect on the comments that he made. But I 100 percent agreed with the comments that he made, because again--it felt like it was being done to black people."
"Like, all you saw on the news was black people on the news with help signs and all this stuff, and then you have this picture of the commander in chief, who we all rely on, just flying by," the rapper continued. "It’s like, 'What is that?' If that had happened anywhere else besides New Orleans, would the response (have) been so slow? Would Bush (have) been on the ground? You have to ask these sort of questions. Just the fact that he thinks that the worst thing that happened to him is Kanye saying something about him. Like, what? That alone shows you where his mind is. Are you kidding me?"

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