Thursday, November 18, 2010

Old verses New Style of dating !

Old- Fashion Phased Out? A List of Things Women Don’t Do Anymore …

Good day, Cake readers! The topic of discussion today is old-school versus new school. For the people who are grown today, the days of answering machines and busy signals were real. There was no TV in every room, there wasn’t a plethora of entertainment devices to choose from to kill some time and, in this day and age, too much time! Long gone are the days where you have to wait for anything but is that good or bad? We’re in paradoxical times because there are some of us who are fine with ditching old-school or old-fashioned practices while others are nostalgic for the “good-old-days” when things weren’t so complicated and convoluted with other forces. It goes without saying that this translates to romance, dating and marriage too! So, many want to know, how do we bridge the gap? Can two people come together and find a happy medium between new and old? Last week we got the ladies opinion and, as promised, this week we asked some of our male readers what women of this generation don’t do that they used to do back in the day and how times have changed! Take a look!

Women don’t cook anymore man! What’s good with that? My sisters and aunties always have baked goods on deck — cookies, cupcakes, cakes and pies for me and brothers. If they know we’re coming over they’re like, “what you want to eat?” When I was growing up, all the women in my family cooked. The men would watch sports and do yard work and handy work and sh*t but women these days want you to do it all. This one chick asked me “when are you going to cook for me?” Which I don’t mind doing but I hadn’t even taken her out yet! That’s what she wanted me to do for her off rip. Man, I was like, “do you cook?” and she said no! What are women teaching their little girls these days? It’s definitely not how to keep a man. – Steve, 33

Women don’t behave like ladies anymore. When I go out I see woman loud-talking, cussing, shaking their as*es , FIGHTING each other! No man wants a woman that keeps drama around her or invites it into her life by way of her attitude or by the way she carries herself. Being with a woman should be enjoyable, fun, fulfilling. A good woman will teach a man something — whether it’s about himself, love or life in general. I’m so glad I don’t have to worry about that anymore, dating seems like a dead end street. I love my wife. - Kevin, 36

They don’t give you anything to look forward to. They’re too quick to give up all the goods. You’d be amazed at how fast women get down these days. It don’t take much work or effort. Here’s what kills me too, they like to get f*cked. They’re not into romance and taking things slow, they want to get pounded. It’s just too easy! Being easy to get into bed is only sexy for the moment, you know? I would say that, in this day and age, if a man takes his time to have sex with a woman, he’s probably really feeling her. - Melvin, 31

Well, from what I see women don’t know how to take care of a man. My mother still cooks, fixes my father’s plate and gives him back rubs. My mother knows her role as the woman of the house and my father is the man, there was never any confusion about it. Women are so hellbent on being this independent “I can do it myself” kind of woman but sometimes a man wants to be that guy you call to the rescue? He wants to be you’re superhero. He wants to be your rock but woman are too “I can do it myself.”- Wesley, 29

Well, they don’t trust men. They don’t trust a man to be a man and that inhibits us from being the man they want us to be. They be acting so hard and woman are supposed to be soft. Not to say that she shouldn’t think for herself or speak her mind but there’s a way to do it and still be feminine. Women used to take pride in the way they present themselves. If it was a home-cooked meal, the served it up with candles and place settings. If they invited you over, their house was clean and fresh smelling. I think that’s what’s missing in today’s women, they lack the inclination to do these things. They don’t really set a solid, womanly tone. -Murray, 35

Women don’t take men’s shoes off anymore. I used to see my grandmother do it for my grandfather when I was growing up and my father started to do it for my Mom. She always thought it was the strangest thing and she would say, “well, you’ve been working all day, let me take yours off.” So, as a kid, I would always see my Mom and Dad on opposite ends of the couch taking each other’s shoes off and rubbing each other’s feet. I took that for granted because most women be like “you can take your own damn shoes off, n*gga.” But I get the purpose of it now, it was basically saying plant yourself here at home with me where you belong. It’s a really deep, loving gesture. -Jason, 30

What are your thoughts Cake Readers? Ladies, in particular, please leave your thoughts! Do you find this to be true or a little embellished?

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